Maker Monday: Highlighting Sew Cute by Lindsay

Last year, my husband and I took wedding photos for Brian and Lindsay during their crisp, October wedding. On that day, we stole the dress for a little bit to take photos. Sewn on the back of Lindsay’s dress was the most beautiful blue fabric in the shape of a heart. Wandering through the venue, I discovered a wall of vintage floral wallpaper and hung the dress up. Right then, Justin took one of my favorite wedding photos he’s ever taken. 

When I asked Lindsay about the heart, I learned that she knows how to sew. Upon further investigation (Facebook creeping), I learned that Lindsay doesn’t just know how to sew, she REALLY knows how to sew. Scarves, quilts, key fobs, you name it. The girl can do it. Scrolling through her Facebook page, Sew Cute by Lindsay (um, how cute is that name?!), I stumbled across the world’s cutest dolls. They are colorful, sweet, unique and fun in every way. Just like their creator. 

As soon as I came up with the idea of Maker Mondays, I knew that I had to work with Lindsay. She was the very first person that came to mind. I was nervous and unsure when I approached her to see if she’d partner up with me. I didn’t have the details figured out when I asked, but Lindsay rolled with it and worked with me to figure it out. (Have I mentioned that Lindsay is a fellow cat mom? Look at that cat quilt! Swoon!)

I know that for part of this “calling,” it’s important for me to highlight small businesses and the hardworking folks that make them happen. I’m so honored for the chance to share Lindsay’s story and her work. Justin and I are beyond grateful to Lindsay for her willingness, kindness and generosity. 

Lindsay grew up surrounded by some amazing women that, lucky for her, knew how to sew. Her Gram was a very accomplished seamstress and made beautiful clothing. She also dabbled in quilting and made amazing cross stitch pieces. Lindsay fondly remembers that her Gran had the coolest sewing room filled with old books and photos and tins and boxes of buttons, threads, patterns. This surely has to be where Lindsay got her amazing sense of style for her own adorable sewing room. 

Her mom is also a great seamstress and made a lot of the clothes that Lindsay grew up wearing. If you’re not already jealous, you should know that she even made matching outfits for herself and her old brother (think late 80’s - early 90’s spandex and neon).  Having a mom that worked for a wedding dress designer and can cross stitch, crochet, knit, and who has evolved into an amazing quilter, it’s easy to see where Lindsay’s inspiration comes from.

For Lindsay, it’s hard to remember a time when she wasn’t sewing. She may have been the only first grader that knew not to cut paper with the fabric scissors and what those little black diamonds meant on a pattern. (Please note that I still have no idea what she’s talking about, haha!) When she went to college, her mom gifted her a sewing machine to take along, since she wouldn’t have hers to share. In fact, the first solo quilt Lindsay made was put together in her college apartment. It was her mom’s Christmas gift. 

Lindsay says her favorite creations change from time to time, but right now she’s loving the dolls. Like any creative mind, she goes through phases. Next month she could have moved on to owls, scarves and so on, but one thing remains consistent and that’s the joy of a good mini quilt. They are a fun, quick way to practice a new skill or test a pattern, plus they are just the cutest! Lindsay also likes to challenge herself with harder patterns. Check out her Tula Pink Gypsy Wife quilt in the photo below. Tula Pink is a fabric designer. 


Lindsay would love to quit her day job and just sew all day long. But for now, she’s happy aiming for continued expansion. She just sent one of her adorable cat-themed dolls to a client in Australia! And she recently started teaching sewing classes at The Station, an arts and crafts studio, in Towanda, Pennsylvania. They feature local artisans and have started carrying her items. As you can imagine, it’s cool to have them in a brick and mortar shop, not just online. 

She’s also been working up ideas on how to evolve her dolls and add to the line. Like any maker I know, that truly loves what they do, as long as people are enjoying her creations, Lindsay is happy. And that’s what matters the most. Well, that and cats! 

For the month of December, The Heirloom Lady will be partnering with Sew Cute by Lindsay. A percentage of all sales made through Lindsay’s Etsy shop using the code HEIRLOOM will be generously donated toward helping Justin and I fund our adoption. And as if she’s not sweet enough, Lindsay will also be giving free shipping to anyone who uses the code!

You can access Sew Cute by Lindsay’s Etsy page here:

Don’t forget to follow Lindsay on Facebook:

And on Instagram at @sewcutebylindsay. 

Thank you for your support of small businesses, my blog and making dreams come true!

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