The Secret to Perfect Seed Starting Soil

Soil is like Mother Nature’s breast milk. Yep, I think that’s about right. Look at it this way, soil naturally provides for all of the children that grow in its care. With her own body, Mother Nature provides an abundance of nutrients and the right combination of natural materials needed to grow strong, healthy plants. But like most children these days, soil falls prey to taking in unhealthy contents, too. Think of pesticides, insecticides, weed killer, or oil and other solvents from cars, lawn mowers, etc. as the sodas, dyes, and other processed stuff that our children can be exposed to. 


Healthy soil sets the foundation for healthy plants. Healthy plants mean deliciously healthy fruits and vegetables that we can in turn use to nourish the bodies of our own young. This is why I amend my potting soil prior to starting seeds indoors. It’s so easy, not expensive, and gives Mother Nature and I the comfort we need, knowing the seeds will flourish as adult plants. 

Start by grabbing your kitchen’s biggest storage container. I used one that holds 14 cups and it worked out perfectly. Make sure you use one that has a lid, this will make your life easier later on. 

Next, grab your organic potting mix and measure eight cups into the container. I used Just Natural Premium Organic Container and Potting Mix that I grabbed at Walmart (but this is a good choice, too!). I used it last year and became a huge fan. It’s reasonably priced, easily accessible and is great to have on hand for sowing seeds and adding a bit of fresh soil to house plants. 

Even though the soil comes with a few worm-castings, I like to add more. They are the perfect potting soil amendment and have a lot to offer. They are full of nitrogen and calcium which helps plants grow strong and thrive throughout the season. This year I’m using Straight From Nature’s Earthworm Castings (again, I got this at Walmart, but this is the first kind I've ever used and it's awesome!). It’s the kind of poop dreams are made of (Who doesn’t dream of it, right?!). With that said, I mixed in about two and a half cups of the earthworm goodness. 

I like to take it a step further and add in some additional nutrients. I picked up some Jobe’s Organics Vegetable and Tomato Granular Plant food, just to give it an extra zing. Full of good stuff like nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium, this stuff will help your plants get a jump start on strong roots and overall plant health. My favorite thing about this product is that it’s all-natural and chemical free, meaning that I can with good conscience, add it to my entire garden without compromising the healthy soil I’ve spent years getting up to par. 

Go ahead and add in about four tablespoons of this stuff and be sure to plug your nose if you aren’t partial to earthy smells. My hubs had a lot to say about the scent. 

Once you have everything measured and in the container, start mixing it up. I got it started with a big wooden spoon, but it’s much easier to plop on that lid I mentioned earlier and do the happy soil dance (and for those of you not THAT into soil, this just means put the lid on the container and shake it around). 

Voila! That’s it. Now you’re ready to get those seeds started.

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