Six Books That Have Changed My Life

Reading is everything. It physically pains me when people say that they don’t enjoy reading. I’m convinced it’s only because the right book hasn’t found them yet. But it will. And it gives me hope just thinking about it. 

Reading is a safe, quiet place where your imagination can scream at the top of its lungs with pure, unadulterated joy. There are many reasons to read. There are specific reasons I’ve read. I’ve read books because I was sad, because I’ve needed an escape, because I simply wanted to learn about something, because a teacher or professor made me (we’ve all been there), and I’ve read because it was the perfect way to set aside time to spend with someone I love. I think that’s my favorite reason of all. 

Reading seems timeless, a lot like gardening. Both are rewarding, too. You put in a little bit of effort and when you’re finished, you’ve got ahold of something unlike anything else in this world. Reading has changed my life in many ways, and since this week's gardening/blog plans were foiled by the weather (we had snow) and the fact that the rototiller tried to kill me, I figured I’d share a few of my favorites with you.

The Secret Garden - This is the first book I can remember reading with my Gram, besides a biography on William Penn (don’t you judge me) when I was in third grade. This book should be a requirement for every child. It helps shape the character you’ll carry with you throughout your life. In short, because I refuse to ruin it for you, this tale teaches lessons about how powerful our frame of thinking can be, that fear is normal but shouldn’t hold us back, that death will often make us angry and that’s okay, that there is magic in nature, and that no matter what, hope will reign. It also taught me that I really, really want a secret garden!

Black Beauty - If you’ve only ever seen the movie, you’re missing out. This has always been a family favorite because Gram grew up with a beautiful, black horse named Beauty. She told us a story about how she got angry as a little girl and jumped on Beauty in her good Sunday dress and raced out into the fields. This story made my mind go wild as a little girl. The power! The passion! The very idea of having such a great adventure basically set my child-mind ablaze. And that’s how I feel about this story, too. The unstoppable sympathy that welled in my heart as I read this book definitely fueled my fiery love, devotion, and compassion for animals. 

Anne of Green Gables - Growing up with a red-headed sister teaches you a lot of things. Growing up with a red-headed sister that loves Anne of Green Gables teaches you about life. If you are different, if you are young, if you are old, if you are a woman, if you a man, or if you have a daughter, you are doing yourself (and your kiddos) a disservice by not reading this book (or the series, for that matter). It taught me the importance of loving your wild, quirky self. Your imagination is a good thing and being a good friend is one of the most important things you can be in life.

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry - My husband bought this book for me as a birthday gift in September. My Gram had passed away in August. I knew his intentions were good, but it was just too soon, so I did everything I could to avoid reading it. It’s been floating around our house until a few weeks ago. I finally got the courage to open the cover and have since gathered such a heaping sense of gratitude and peace in my heart. If you’ve ever lost someone you love, I urge you to read this. I laughed, I cried, I accepted grief and I realized that no matter what, I’ll always be a child, a grandchild that is. 

Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World - Not into self-help? This is the book for you. I was expecting to be floored, destroyed, and utterly obliterated by turning thirty-years-old, so I turned to this book searching for guidance. Holy eye-opening. I love the positivity, the possibility, and the simplicity it has brought into my life. Who knew common sense could be so liberating? Thirty was great, in case you were wondering. If you’re not going to read the book, at least follow them on social media - it’ll change your day. 

Harry Potter (all of them!) - You didn’t think I could leave it off of the list, did you? I tried to be a grown-up about it, I swear. But there’s no denying this Ravenclaw heart. This is what started it all, my love for reading. It was the first book I couldn’t put down. Whenever I’d get the newest release, my mom would have to bring dinner to me because I couldn’t tear myself away from the book as I curled up in our overstuffed chair. I grew up with Harry and he grew up with me. My teenage heart felt the pain and understood the emotion of it all. When I win an award someday, I’m going to thank J.K. Rowling. You’ll see.

I can't promise you'll love these books. And that's ok. But I can promise that once you find the right book for you, your world is going to explode. When it does, I hope you'll tell me about. Feel free to drop me a line at or comment!

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