Mother Earth News Fair: An Heirloom Experience

Adventure and wonder are in my blood. I was simply born this way. There is a deep-seated nagging, rooted in my heart, that makes me feel alive and encourages me to venture out and hunt down the next thing that is going to feed my undying hunger to learn. It defines who I am as a human being and in a huge way, I’m so blessed to have a husband that loves adventure and learning just as much. 

Our world is limitless and so are the things we can see, hear, taste, feel, and learn. It’s a crying shame that time does not stay the same course. This is why you can bet your britches that I live intentionally, each and every day. You’ll find me thoroughly investigating, exploring, and absorbing as much of life as I can in the time God has allotted me. 

I can spend all day telling you about my adventures, and someday I will likely jot them down, but for now, I want to tell you about a journey that’s very special to me. I’ll keep it brief because we have a very special video that highlights this three-day jaunt, but I want to give you some background first. 

Last year for my birthday, Justin (Adventure Companion Extraordinaire) and I drove to Seven Springs, PA so that I could officially be amongst “my people.” We went to our very first Mother Earth News Fair. Earlier in the year, I was doing a lot of soul-searching in the grocery store magazine aisle, when I stumbled across the Mother Earth News magazine. I grabbed a copy to read on my lunch break and, as you can guess, l found my second true love (third if we’re counting cats, let’s be real here). 

It’s an educational, stimulating, filled-to-the-brim-with-endless-adventures-and-ideas magazine that’s readily available to everyone. It spoke to my heart as soon as I opened the cover, so when I learned that they had a three-day event that you could attend for a reasonable price, I nearly died. I knew I had to go. 

It opened my eyes to what I really want to do with this life of mine, and that's to connect with nature, learn as much as I can, and then help others learn in exciting, creative ways. It’s helped me realize that I can truly make a difference in this world, even if it is only with my family, close friends, and future children. Thanks for reading, guys! I love you!

So, enjoy looking at some of our previous adventures (Sorry about the quality - they are totes cell phone pics that we’ve gathered over the years), and more importantly, tune in to the video below to learn a little bit about what the Mother Earth News Fair has to offer. 

If you can make it happen, I urge you to go. You can find dates, locations, and more information by visiting the Mother Earth News Fair website.

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